Dying in Dungeon 1.1
Dying In Dungeon » Devlog

I've released an update for Dying in Dungeon, mostly focused on overall balance of the game and bug fixes. The objective for this patch was to make the game a bit more difficult for the bow/trapper classes while buffing up the sword.
Patch notes:
- Added in the ability to choose your class when you meet your death target.
- When you don't meet your death target, you lose 75% of your gems instead of all of them
- Added a small intro scene. This will hopefully make the objective of the game more clear.
- Fixed a bug where bombs and arrows would stop upon contact with a downward-facing wall
- Fixed the web version colors
- Reduced the amount of levels from 20 to 15. This will make the difficulty ramp up shorter.
- Adjusted AI pathing to allow them to chase you more easily. This will make it harder for the bow/trapper class to kite enemies indefinitely.
- Increased the speed on the AI to allow them to chase you more easily. This especially goes for the hammer knights.
- Enemies can no longer spot you immediately on scene start (Though they may wander into you shortly after)
- Increased the overall damage on the sword abilities to be more than the bow/trapper classes. Increased their attack range.
- Reduced the effectiveness of the potion upgrade (Max was 3 hearts healed, is now 2)
- Goblins no longer stop attacking when they are attacked, making them a bit more dangerous.
- Scatter shot arrow ability has a reduced number of arrows fired (Max was 7, is now 5)
- The player can no longer attack while dodging.
- The knockback arrow now has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
- The trapper and bow classes now have a reduced movement speed compared to the sword class.
Desktop1.1.zip 33 MB
Jan 12, 2020
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